Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

SWEET Corn Festival!

I think maybe I've been a little too negative about things lately, in particular what it's like living in Keokuk. I need to change my perspective. Yesterday, after church, I was decided to go to the Sweet Corn Festival in West Point, Iowa and I realized just how SWEET life here really is. Here are a few of the many sweet highlights of the festival:
First, loads and loads of sweet corn...

Sweet daisy dukes and teen Moms...
Sweet corn enthusiasts with sweet corn to go...
Sweet Moms with sweetly-fit T-shirts...
Sweet dudes with belts over their shirt...
Sweet hats celebrating the many fairs and festivals of Iowa...
Sweet family time...
Sweet St. Louis Cardinal fan...
Sweet jean shorts, muscle shirts, and tats...
Sweet teen NASCAR enthusiasts...
Sweet camo' man...
Sweet dude thinking it's Mardi Gras....
Sweet belt gizmos...
Belt-gizmo-guy with a sweeeet shirt, and best of all a SWEET hickey on his neck...
Sweet hair, sweet back sweat, sweet ability to smoke with no hands...
Not-so-sweet bellyache from too much corn (check out the rash on his stomach--sweet)...
Sweet safety-goggle glasses and sweet preparedness
(Need anything measured? I'm your guy!)...
Sweet wangstas....
Sweet Jerry Garcia impersonators...
Sweet haircuts on sweet ticket-taker guys...
Sweet special effects (Hey, how did my legs get turned around from my body?)...
Sweet do-rag and take-home box
(Did he steal Mr. Belt-Gizmo, hicky guy's shirt?)....
Speaking of sweet "do"...
Sweet hat, muscle shirt, camo shorts, skee-ball skillz....
SWEET pony-tail and sweet knowing he's literate...

Sweet dude with sweet shades and sweeeeet chin hair...

Sweet local style of the sweet babes (surprised I don't have a girlfriend out here yet?)...

Sweet messages...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Latest pictures of kids

So, I've kind of gone the way of Facebook these days, as the infrequency of my updates indicates, but thought I'd post the two latest pictures of the kids.
Quinn - about 13 months
Aryn - 3 1/2 years old